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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Spotlight: Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks: Focusing on Panic Associated with PTSD and cPTSD by Nicole Dake

Book Spotlight: Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks: Focusing on Panic Associated with PTSD and cPTSD by Nicole Dake

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Title: Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks: Focusing on Panic Associated with PTSD and cPTSD
Author: Nicole Dake
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PTSD controlled my life - no more. I once was a survivor, now I'm a warrior.

Panic attacks that result from PTSD and cPTSD can be debilitating. Research unfortunately falls short, telling those suffering from panic attacks to just "wait for them to be over." Over the years I have learned to cope, first preparing for panic attacks, and then calming down during a panic attack. I am sharing these coping skills with others who have PTSD, so they can go from being survivors to warriors too.

Author bio:

Nicole is a parenting and mom life blogger with two published books. Nicole's other book is called 
Happy. Healthy. Rich. The smart mom's guide to living your best life.


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