Lucy Turns Pages: Read, Write, Publish, Promote

Lucy Turns Pages: Rapid Fire Book Tag

Rapid Fire Book Tag

rapid fire book tag, book tag, book blog, book blogger, reading, books to read, book recommendations, good books, bad books,

This is a book tag created by Kate from GirlReading ( There are a series of book related questions to answer so let’s go:

Q: E-Book or Physical Book? 
A: E-book, I know this is a controversial answer but I love my kindle so much! It is light to hold, keeps my page open and tells me an estimate of how much longer I have left in the book which helps motivate me to keep reading.

Q: Paperback or Hardback? 
A: I don’t really have a preference!

Q: Online or In-Store Book Shopping? 
A: I love shopping in a book store. Being surrounded by books is one of my favourite places. I can look at all of the different books available and choose whichever is available at the time. I often find books that I wasn’t originally planning on buying!

Q: Trilogies or Series?
A: I love series because then there are more books to read, as long as the books still continue to be great and there is enough story to last across more books.
Q: Heroes or Villains?
A: Heroes but I do like reading from a villain’s point of view occasionally.

Q: A book you want everyone to read?
A: Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder. This is one of my favourite reads of this year and I love it so much. It has everything: action, magic, friendship, a strong protagonist and a page-turning romance.

Q: Recommend an underrated book?
A: So I checked my Goodreads and found that The Dating Debate by Chris Cannon has an average of around 3.75 which is not a bad rating but I really enjoyed this book. It is a great teen romance and I would definitely recommend it for a fast romantic read with a bookish main character.

Q: The last book you finished?
A: Cauldron’s Bubble by Amber Elby.

Q: The Last Book You Bought?
A: Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin.

Q: Weirdest Thing You've Used as a Bookmark?
A: A polo wrapper.

Q: Used Books: Yes or No?
A: Yes! You can get great books for free, usually in very good condition.

Q: Top Three Favourite Genres?
A: Fantasy, Contemporary and the third one would probably be Sci-Fi.

Q: Borrow or Buy?
A: Libraries are great and I will always recommend them but if it is possible I do prefer to have my own copies of books. I just love looking at them and being able to read them without having to worry about taking them back to the library.

Q: Characters or Plot?
A: This is a tough one. The characters need to be interesting and engaging otherwise I won’t really want to read the book but the plot is also important. I would say characters because if the characters are great then even if the plot isn’t so good, I may keep reading because I am invested in the characters.

Q: Long or Short Books?
A: I prefer short books because I can get through them quickly and they are less intimidating. If there was a big series with lots of short books that would probably be amazing for me.

Q: Long or Short Chapters?
A: This is difficult as it depends how they are done. I have read contemporaries with short chapters and that meant that I kept reading and read a lot in one go. However, I have read other books with short chapters and I just kept putting the book down. So, I will say long chapters.

Q: Name The First Three Books You Think Of...

Q: Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?
A: Cry because that means that I am emotionally invested and that the story will likely stay with me for a long time.

Q: Our World or Fictional Worlds?
A: Fictional worlds.

Q: Audiobooks: Yes or No?
A: Yes, they can be great for when you are doing things that don’t need your full attention but you cannot read.

Q: Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?
A: I don’t think I really do!

Q: Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?
A: Book to TV because TV series can be longer!

Q: A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?
A: I prefer the Winnie the Pooh TV show to the book.

Q: Series or Standalone's?
A: Series because then I can get more of the world.

I tag anyone who would like to do this! It was a long tag but very fun. Do you share any of my opinions or differ from any of them? Let me know in the comments!

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