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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Spotlight: Angus: the Little White Fluffy Cloud Who Fell in Love with the Sun by Lesley Cordell

Book Spotlight: Angus: the Little White Fluffy Cloud Who Fell in Love with the Sun by Lesley Cordell


Book Title: Angus: the Little White Fluffy Cloud Who Fell in Love with the Sun
Author: Lesley Cordell
Genre: Children's book
Available on: /

"A super cute & clever children’s story book with wonderful illustrations. Educational & Entertaining. A lovely story that introduces aspects of primary school science, geography & PHSE curriculum."


A charming story of friendship with a lot of interesting learning along the way. An introduction to the earth's water cycle, rainbow and cloud formation.

Author bio:

Lesley is an author of illustrated books for children. Follow Lesley on Twitter @CordellLesley

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