Lucy Turns Pages: Read, Write, Publish, Promote

Lucy Turns Pages: My debut poetry book, There is Light: Poems about Mental Health is available now!

My debut poetry book, There is Light: Poems about Mental Health is available now!

I have something to tell you. I self-published my first book! Wow. I did it, younger Lucy, I did it.

From book blogger and poet, Lucy DeRose, comes her debut book, There is Light.

A series of poems about mental health, anxiety, self-care, social media and what's important in life. Honest thoughts and feelings from someone who has dealt with depression, anxiety and OCD. Lucy tries to end each poem with a positive note, focusing on the hope and help that is out there. Because, no matter how dark things seem, there is light.

These are poems that I have written over the years during different periods and I am just so grateful that I get to share these and I am so happy that this is my debut. 

My book is
0.99 on Kindle
Free on Kindle Unlimited
3.99 in paperback

Please do let me know if you pick this up and I would really appreciate any reviews. This is a short book but one that means so much to me. Feel free to pick it up and read a poem or two as and when needed. I really hope that you find some comfort and feel less alone.

Thank you for everything,

1 comment:

  1. Congrats of the book of poetry -- this is a wonderful thing to put out!
