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Lucy Turns Pages: A Look At... A True Crime Series

A Look At... A True Crime Series


If you like true crime, check out this series of books by H. N. Lloyd!

In this latest volume of the best-selling Murder Tales series, H. N. Lloyd casts his eye to those who swore to preserve life, only to break their Hippocratic oath in the cruellest and most bizarre ways imaginable. In these bloodsoaked pages, you will be thrilled and horrified by the horrendous crimes committed by deranged doctors who put their medical knowledge to deadly use. You will meet Dr Robert George Clements whose wives had a habit of dying shortly after saying I do, Dr Marcel Petiot who used the confusion of the second world war to make himself rich via murder, and, of course, the most prolific serial killers the world has ever seen, Dr Harold Shipman. This truly is an anthology for true crime connoisseurs that will leave you turning the pages.

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A doctor with a gambling addiction poisoning his children and friends to cover his debts. A barrister cries out for help in the night, but was his death murder or suicide? A psychopath is imprisoned for trying to poison his family, only to be released from custody to kill and kill again.

In Murder Tales: The Poisoners, H. N. Lloyds looks at ten terrifying classic true crime cases where the killer's weapon of choice was a deadly poison. With the turn of each page, you will discover the fascinating facts of real-life cases that will chill your blood. Every victim, motive, trial and execution is detailed with H. N. Lloyd's eye for detail and macabre wit.

This much anticipated new instalment of the beloved Murder Tales series invites you to discover these classics from the annals of true crime, and lose yourself in tales of murder that the masters of fiction wouldn't dare to make up.

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Murder Tales: The Granny Killers

In Murder Tales: The Granny Killers, H. N. Lloyd continues his exploration of true murder, looking at those murderers who kill the elderly for greed and gratification. This new version of the Granny Killers combines all of the crimes detailed in the Granny Killers volumes one and two, plus three new cases not included in the previous releases.

Completely revised, re-edited and updated this new version of the granny killers takes an in-depth look at eleven murder cases that will leave you shocked and enthralled, and breathlessly waiting to turn the next bloodstained page.

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Murder Tales: They Got Away With Murder

We've all heard the phrase, 'he/she gets away with murder', but just how true is this phrase in the real world? In this latest volume of Murder Tales, H. N. Lloyd looks at seven cases, where the killers literally did get away with murder, and explains how we can now be sure as to just who the guilty party really was.

Among the true tales of murder featured in this volume are:

Maundy Gregory: The story of a man who was at the centre of a political web of intrigue involving power and money. Maundy Gregory became one of the most powerful men in Great Britain, yet his power and influence remained secret, hidden from all but a select few at the highest echelons of governance. When his empire was threatened, he turned to murder to save himself and his fortune. Like most powerful people, he got away with it too.

Tony Mancini: The Brighton Trunk murders were, at one time, the most famous murders in the annals of crime. Tony Mancini was the young thug accused and tried for one of these infamous crimes. Yet his acquittal led to one of the most shocking and defiant confessions ever seen.

Henry John Delve Broughton: When peer of the realm, Lord Erroll, was shot dead on a deserted country road, in the middle of Kenya, during the early years of World War Two, it led to accusations of political assassination, sordid love triangles, orgies and drug abuse. It was a mystery that intrigued for decades, until a confession came to light from a very unlikely source.

Harvey Richardson: The tale of how a photograph led to a murder, and how the failure of the victims friends to tell the whole truth led to a near half century long mystery, and how a confession found in an abandoned house led to a shocking final answer.

Christopher Smith: Be sure your sins will find you out in time, nearly forty years after a brutal murder, that helped to nearly derail the infamous Yorkshire Ripper Inquiry, the killer of a badly battered and raped prostitute was unmasked thanks to his having one too many drinks.

Complete revised, re-edited and updated this new edition of Murder Tales: They Got Away With Murder contains brand new material and is sure to enthral, horrify and confound in equal measure. Written as usual with an eye for the macabre detail and a delightfully dry wit, it is another fine entry into the Murder Tales cannon.

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Murder Tales: Stranger Than Fiction

Why was an illiterate man found murdered with an undecipherable coded message in his pocket? Why have the British government decided that the details of a fourteen-year-old girls murder must be kept secret for over a century? What links a murdered movie star, the CIA, the King of Jordan, and the King of the B Movies?

In Murder Tales: Stranger Than Fiction, H. N. Lloyd investigates crimes with an element of the bizarre, the unexplained, and the damn right weird. In this latest collection of true crime tales from the best-selling author and crime historian, you will find eleven murders that will send a shiver down your spine, and make you believe you’re reading a work of fiction, not fact. In this volume the cases include:
Elsie Frost: A young girl murdered on an isolated tow-path, a mystery that has lasted fifty years. Although the police claim that they believe the case is solved, H. N. Lloyd looks at the evidence of a conspiracy that continues to this day.

Scott Rogo: The murder of one of the world’s leading parapsychologists that has left one of the world’s most peculiar murder mysteries.

Charles C. Morgan: Hero or villain? The police insisted it was a suicide, a mysterious anonymous caller wanted the world to believe otherwise. Morgan’s death led to the discovery of mysterious messages written on bank notes, clues hidden in biblical passages, and a trail of murder as someone desperately tried to cover up the truth.

Each case will leave you haunted and questioning how real life can be so strange.

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Murder Tales: The Yorkshire Ripper

Between 1975 and 1981, one man brought a reign of terror to the north of England. His crimes brought entire cities to a standstill as women became too scared to leave their houses after dark. The thirteen slain women led to the United Kingdom’s largest-ever murder enquiry, with tens of thousands of people interviewed and hundreds of leads followed. It was an investigation led astray by a cruel hoax and devastating coincidences which would not be believed if they happened in a work of fiction. The crimes left over a dozen children motherless, led to family members dying of broken hearts, and destroyed the health and hastened the death of the chief investigator. 

 In this edition of Murder Tales, H. N. Lloyd examines the life and crimes of the man the media dubbed The Yorkshire Ripper, but who his wife and family called Peter Sutcliffe. 

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Murder Tales: Unsolved: The chilling true stories of the world's greatest unsolved murders

Murder, it fascinates and horrifies, when a murder remains unsolved that fascination and horror can quite easily turn to obsession. In Murder Tales: Unsolved the new doyen of true crime, H. N. Lloyd, examines fifteen of the world’s greatest murder mysteries, including:

Jack the Ripper: Without a doubt the world’s most famous murder mystery, in this re-examination of the case H. N. Lloyd looks at the crimes, suspects and some of the stranger explanations for the world famous murders.

Nellie Clarke: The murder of a child is the most tragic thing in the world, when the killer is not brought to justice it can destroy entire communities. This little known case will horrify, chill and intrigue, especially Nellie’s last recorded words, ‘Help! Father Christmas is after me!’

Julia Wallace: Pity poor William Herbert Wallace, lured from his home on a wild goose chase across the city of Liverpool, only to return home to discover his wife murdered and the blame levelled squarely at him. This is the crime that Raymond Chandler ranked as the greatest murder mystery in the annals of criminal history.

Charles Walton: The murder of an elderly farmhand in a sleepy English village that baffled the minds of the best detectives the famed Scotland Yard had to offer. Were the rumours of witchcraft and human sacrifice true? And just what was the significance of the worthless fob-watch stolen from Charles Walton’s body, and the spectral black dog that haunted the investigating officers.

Marilyn Sheppard: The true life crime that inspired the film and TV series ‘The Fugitive’. Dr Sam Sheppard found himself accused of murdering his wife, this in turn set two generations of the Sheppard family on a quest to discover the identity of the ‘limping man’.

Zodiac: The murder of five young people that shocked America, shot and stabbed in cold blood by a masked killer. The killer taunted the police and the press, created a media storm and pushed a city to hysterical levels of anxiety. He was never caught, leaving behind a trail of shattered lives, scarred survivors and an enduring mystery.

Professor John Cartland: A father and son’s holiday in France ends in a brutal axe murder. Jeremy Cartland is accused by French authorities of murdering his father. British police investigate and exonerate him. Not only did this case put two legal systems at loggerheads, it led to the seemingly unassuming language professor’s unmasking as a spy. Was Professor Cartland the victim of a bungled robbery, murdered by his son, or was he the victim of a sinister conspiracy the origins of which lay in the darkest days of World War Two?

Written with dry wit and an eye for detail which brings a fresh perspective to even the most talked-about cases, Murder Tales: Unsolved is the perfect read for seasoned true-crime aficionados, or those wanting to be captivated, thrilled and horrified for the first time.

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Murder Tales: Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper - sailor, soldier, butcher, barber, black magician, blackmailer, doctor, docker, artist, poet, religious zealot, ruffian, royal, victim, villain... Jack the Ripper, he was all of these things and none of them. A faceless blank slate for a century of researchers to etch their elaborate theories upon.

We all think we know the story of the worlds most renowned serial killer, yet the real story has been lost in over a century of lies, misunderstandings and half-truths.

In "Murder Tales: Jack the Ripper" H. N. Lloyd explores the complicated history surrounding the myth of Jack the Ripper. He explores with his trademark dry wit and eye for detail the evidence for a medical ripper, the evidence of the eyewitnesses, the methods and failures of the police investigation, the obsession that the crimes ignited at the time and today, finally he walks us through the suspects and peculiar theories that have so obscured the truth for over a century.

A must read for fans of the Murder Tales series, die-hard ripperologist or those who are risking the obsession of the Ripper for the very first time.

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