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Lucy Turns Pages: The Child of Fire and Earth Book Review

The Child of Fire and Earth Book Review


Title: The Child of Fire and Earth
Author: Barry Ryerson
Genre: children's fantasy
Available: paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, audiobook, signed and personalised copies


This book follows Hew, a young boy in the 15th century. He is the son of a farmer but he always dreamed of becoming a knight. One day he meets a dragon and he discovers all of the magical creatures that exist whilst on a grand adventure.

My thoughts:

So this is a book that I have been meaning to pick up forever. Barry is a great person and being someone who loves children's fantasy, I really wanted to check this book out. So what did I think?

Honestly, I was unexpectedly blown away whilst reading this. I started reading it on Kindle and then switched to the audiobook (Barry sent me a code and being someone with a chronic illness, audiobooks really help me). I have to say, the audiobook was brilliant! The production was amazing. The narrator did an excellent job at portraying a young boy, the different creatures, accents and sound effects! There was one chapter where the speed increased and some chapters the volume seemed different but this was easily fixed with a click so that's fine.

The writing itself was so magical and whimsical! I could honestly see this being a lovely family/fun heart-warming film that they show at Christmas! This would be a perfect book to read to a child, for a child to read or for an adult. It brought me so much joy. I actually laughed out loud numerous times, it was so fun! The world itself felt so real, like these creatures could exist and Barry subtly included history and geography so that it seems like these creatures actually made an impact in real life! (Maybe they did and Barry knows all their secrets, who knows?).

This was such a wonderful read and I would happily read any similar books that Barry writes (in fact according to his website, he is working on a book 2 omg!!!). I now want everyone to go pick this up, for anyone, read it and have fun! I know I did :)

Rating: 5/5 stars

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