Lucy Turns Pages: Read, Write, Publish, Promote

Lucy Turns Pages: The Anything but Books Tag

The Anything but Books Tag

anything but books tag, book tag, book blog, book blogger, book questions, reading questions, book recommendations, books to get,
Time for another tag! This one is a series of questions that are not about books.

1.       Name a cartoon that you love
I haven’t really been watching cartoons but I do watch Spongebob Squarepants sometimes. I feel that as an adult there are more things that I pick up and I still find it funny.

2.       What is your favourite song right now?
I heard Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus the other day and it has been in my head ever since.

3.       What could you do for hours that isn’t reading?
Watching drama boxsets.
4.       What is something that you love to do that your followers would be surprised by?
I don’t know, I am quite an open book. I love reading, writing, gaming, blogging, navigating social media and collecting plushies and collectables.

5.       What is your favourite unnecessarily specific thing to learn about?
I would love to learn scriptwriting but I don’t really intend on going into screenwriting. It would be amazing writing for a sci-fi show or turning my books into films. I am also trying to learn Japanese, Italian and re-learn Spanish.

6.       What is something unusual that you know how to do?
I don’t think it’s unusual but I can sew cases and felt creatures.

7.       Name something you made in the last year and show us if you can.
I made a Pokemon kindle case as a gift!

8.       What is your most recent personal project?
Just the usual, working on my blog, jewellery shop and novel.

9.       Tell us something that you think about often?
Reaching my dream job and travelling.

10.   Give us something that is your favourite.
I would say Pokemon but I think most people that follow me know that I love Pokemon. I love barbecue ribs but I don’t often have them as they’re so expensive.

11.   Say the first thing that pops into your head
You are all awesome.

I tag everyone that would like to do this tag!

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