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Lucy Turns Pages: English Language Teacher Training: TEFL Course Update #1

English Language Teacher Training: TEFL Course Update #1


There are a few options for TEFL courses, they can be either online or blended learning (a mix between online and classroom learning). I chose to study with i-to-i because the course that I am doing is regulated by Ofqual which is the UK government's qualification body. Additionally, this course also features options to study level 5 courses in Teaching Online and One-To-One and Teaching Business English which I have not found at the same level anywhere else.

I am planning on regularly updating you on my teaching journey so please enjoy and if you have any questions please feel free to comment or message me (I am most active on Twitter).

What I have been learning:

This course features an introduction and 10 units. You go through information in each unit and then there are quizzes to test your understanding. There are three written assignments throughout the main course. Once I have completed all 10 units, I can then work on my additional course of teaching online and one-to-one.

Unit 1 covers why people might want to teach English as a foreign language and it discusses the different teaching approaches that can be used. I wrote notes as I went along and then answered the quiz. I passed the test on the first try which meant that I could go straight on to the second unit! I am really enjoying this course so far. It is informative but not too full-on.

I am looking forward to completing more of the units and to boosting my teaching knowledge and skills.

*This post is not sponsored, however it does feature affiliate links. This in no way influenced me wanting to write about this topic.


  1. Good luck! I have my TEFL and remember my course I made friends for life. enjoy the journey

    1. Thank you! That's so cool! Are you working as a teacher now?
