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Lucy Turns Pages: Undercover Thief Review

Undercover Thief Review

undercover thief, book review, book reviews, ya thriller, ya, thriller, heist, heist books, Undercover Thief
by H. T. King
Genre: YA Thriller
Publication Date: 2019
Number of pages: 438
Goodreads - Amazon - Book Depository

Pamela Torres was abandoned by her parents when she was nine, now fourteen years old, she is part of a gang of children who steal in London.

Pamela's parents suddenly return and take her away from her new home, enrolling her into a boarding school for spies.

Pamela hates her new life with discipline and homework. Her parents, who are teachers at the school, do not know that Pamela became a thief and Pamela feels that something strange is going on within the school...

My thoughts:
Undercover Thief had a mysterious premise, a girl whose parents disappeared and a school of spies. However, I didn't really enjoy the writing style. It was full of dialogue and not enough description to immerse me in the world. Additionally, there are aspects about the main character that would have been good to know but that we don't find out. I would have liked to have found out more about how this teenager became so skilled as a thief. Furthermore, the story with the parents feels disjointed, it was not fleshed out enough and therefore didn't feel realistic. Overall, this book just wasn't for me.

*This book was kindly sent to me to review, however, all opinions are my own.

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