Lucy Turns Pages: Read, Write, Publish, Promote

Lucy Turns Pages: First Lines #2

First Lines #2

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Hi everyone and welcome back to the series on my blog where we look at the first sentence of different books! I love doing this. A first sentence can really capture your interest and imagination. You can find my first lines posts and other indie book lists over on this page. So let's take a look at some first lines!

Eventually we all end up in the same place.

So, you’ve been gone for a while and you’re probably wondering what’s going on with us.

Explosions light up the dark, midnight sky, ruining my night vision, and giving away my position.

'It's so good to see Broadway alive again', Erica Harker announced, without any trace of irony, having been dead for a nudge over 60 years.

'Dr Rawcliffe, I can't believe what I've just done!'

My sister is going to kill me.

A pelican swoops down in front of me, beak first.

A tumultuous wave of long, blonde hair flew down the tight, shadow-encased alleyway as a kitchen knife stabbed the ground, fallen just short of the mark as it ripped the hem of her dress.

Her wedding day was perfect.

“I’m telling you, if we don’t do something, three-quarters of the population of Earth will be dead within twenty years, tops!”

“How long do you think they’ll keep dragging this farce out?”

The door to their quarters opened and Aiyana Cassidy entered, looking spent.

“Captain, they’re coming up the corridor!”

I remember my first Valentine's Day in school.

"There was a strange sound. It was deep and muffled, with an urgent cadence."

"For the last three-hundred-thousand years it had spun slowly in the darkness."

Are you intrigued by any of these first lines? Will you be picking up any of these reads?

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~

Josh de Lioncourt- check out his fantasy books!
Charles Edward Williams- check out his Roman fiction book
D. M. Wright- check out his horror comedy books
Kenneth Lumpkin- check out his poetry books
Kimberly Greer- check out her romance book
Jill Horton- check out her children's book
Dorian J. Sinnott- check out his horror books and short story and poetry collections
R. G. Roberts- check out her sci-fi books and fantasy Kindle Vella
Rachael DK- check out her memoir and poetry book
MJ Hutto- check out her fantasy books
Tim Ruel- check out his sci-fi book and author website
Erik S. Meyers- check out his historical fiction book and author website
Melissa Stone- check out her YA urban fantasy series and adult fantasy series
Jon Herrera- check out his middlegrade fantasy series
Thomas Hansen- check out his YA sci-fi novel
Emma Jordan- check out her vampire rom-com book
Adam Gaffen- check out his author website and latest sci-fi book
Izzy Matias- check out her YA contemporary book and one of her blog posts
Adam Peter Johnson- check out his sci-fi dystopian book
Phannie- check out her blog and follow her on Twitter
O. J. BarrĂ©- check out her fantasy books- The Awen Trilogy and The Druids of Marduk
Barry Ryerson- check out his middlegrade fantasy book
Rebecca Rose- check out her family saga book 1 and book 2
Kasia Metkowski- check out her blog and serialised story
Mellie Miller- paranormal romance writer, check out her author page and website
Maria Blackrane- follow her on Twitter for updates on her upcoming dark adult fantasy
Sara R. Cleveland- check out her fantasy romance books
Steven Neil- check out his historical fiction book
Casey Bell- check out his books: A Family of Strangers and 4Score
Alan K. Dell- check out his sci-fi books: From the Grave of the Gods and The Re-Emergence
Kyt Wright- check out his author page and website
Denise O. Eaton- check out her fantasy books website and book 1 in her fantasy series

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