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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Spotlight: Mystical Greenwood by Andrew McDowell

Book Spotlight: Mystical Greenwood by Andrew McDowell

Mystical Greenwood

Book I of the trilogy One with Nature

Genre: Young Adult High Fantasy

Publisher: Mockingbird Lane Press


Dermot is a fifteen-year-old boy living in the land of Denú who has always longed for something more in life. His life changes when he encounters a gryphon and a mysterious healer. Drawn into a conflict against one determined to subjugate the kingdom, Dermot and his brother Brian are forced to leave their home.

A legendary coven must now reunite, for they are Denú’s greatest hope. In the course of meeting unicorns, and fighting dragons and men in dark armor, Dermot discovers a deep, sacred magic that exists within every greenwood he crosses through, but his own role in this conflict is greater than he suspects. Can he protect those he loves, or will all that’s good be consumed by darkness?

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About the Author:

Andrew McDowell has been writing since he was a child. He has written and published fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. He studied at St. Mary’s College and the University of Maryland, College Park. Andrew is a member of the Maryland Writers’ Association. Mystical Greenwood was a Finalist in the 2019 American Fiction Awards for Fantasy: Epic/High Fantasy, and he won the MWA’s 2021 Novel Contest in Science Fiction / Fantasy / Speculative. He also won second place in the creative nonfiction category of the 2014 Maryland Writers’ Association’s Literary Contest for his essay on his experiences with Asperger syndrome.

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