Lucy Turns Pages: Read, Write, Publish, Promote

Lucy Turns Pages: English Language Teacher Training: TEFL Course Update #2

English Language Teacher Training: TEFL Course Update #2

Hi everyone! So I've been doing my TEFL course for a number of weeks now and I thought that it was time for another update! In my introduction and first update post, I spoke about the introduction and units 1-2 of the course. I have been studying so many things!

I went over lesson planning and structuring lessons. I even created an in-depth lesson plan for my first proper big assignment. This required using resources where necessary and referencing them. Luckily, there are a lot of reference structure websites out there so I didn't end up writing my references by hand like I foolishly did when I was at university! My feedback was fast and I passed the assignment!

I have also learnt more about the best ways to structure a classroom and manage different classes which was really interesting. Then came two of the chunks of the course; vocabulary/pronunciation and grammar. So many of these technical terms I was never taught at school so I have had to absorb all the technicalities and structures of the English language, ignoring what I already know and going to the technical building blocks of language. This has been the hardest part of the course to date but my knowledge is increasing and I know that over time I will be a lot more fluent in these terms.

I still have some units and assignments to go but I am so proud of my progress and I am really enjoying learning all about English Language Teaching. 

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