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Lucy Turns Pages: The Power of Having a Niche

The Power of Having a Niche

Being a writer is tough in today’s business landscape. Our work is often undervalued, unappreciated, and underpaid. We have to spend long hours for years at a time just to get to a point where clients will pay us a price that reflects what we put into a project.

One way to fast track your writing career and get paid more is to decide on your niche/s. Here’s why developing a niche or a few niches are so crucial as a writer.

1. Everyone is a Generalist

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The business world is becoming more remote by the day. A considerable number of people are quitting their 9-5’s and deciding to go freelance. This includes the number of people freelance writing.

Most writers are generalists. They take on projects about anything and everything just to get some work in and pay their bills. One way to stand out is to develop a niche or a few niches. This will help you to stand out in the crowd.

If you can prove, you are an expert in your niche, you are far more likely to work with clients looking for your particular knowledge. Those with a niche tend to get paid more also. Everyone is a technical or lifestyle content writer, so make yourself something specific, so you get noticed.

2. Clients Can See Your Lack of Enthusiasm

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Developing a niche is about moving your work towards topics you actually enjoy writing about and are passionate about. This passion shows through in your writing, but so does a lack of passion. If you are a travel writer who takes on a project about foam polystyrene prodcuts, it’s going to be visible you lack interest in the topic.

Having a niche allows you to write about things you enjoy, which breed creativity and improves your writing skills. Your clients will know when you love a topic and when you hate one.

3. No Niche = No Desire

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Photo by from Pexels

If you’re writing about topics you dislike regularly, you will lose all desire to do the work at all. This could lead to a pretty quick end to your writing career, especially if you’re a freelancer working for yourself. When you develop a niche, your writing becomes less of a job but more of an ongoing learning project about something you are genuinely interested in.

When you write about things, you dislike you may find yourself struggling to get in front of the computer and doing the work. Even if you’re a great writer for the topics you hate, after a while, your passion will be drained, and you won’t want to continue.

4. Writing Should Be Fun

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Photo by Liam Anderson from Pexels

You became a writer for a reason. Most likely, this was because you enjoy the actual process of writing, and you feel you have something important to say. Stick to your passions, write about what you believe in, and eventually, clients will want to work with you.

A career in writing can be highly rewarding. Not just financial rewards but rewarding for your soul and mind too. Writing is a creative and therapeutic task.

When you wake up each day, you should be excited to write and spill your thoughts onto the page.

It won’t always be rainbows and smiles, but it will be enough to keep you going back to the laptop and creating great work.

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