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Lucy Turns Pages: A Look At... The Flames of Albiyon by Jean Menzies

A Look At... The Flames of Albiyon by Jean Menzies

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Title: The Flames of Albiyon
Author: Jean Menzies
Genre: Adult Fantasy Romance
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - -


A century since the monarchy was overthrown the country of Albiyon has become a haven for its citizens, the young scholar Adairia included. Raised within the Albiyan university’s walls she has dedicated her life to the pursuit of knowledge. Preferring to hole up in the library than seek adventure elsewhere, she has grown accustomed to her comfortable routine… until the day everything changes. When she unwittingly awakens a sleeping dragon’s egg, Adairia is thrust into unfamiliar territory. Never having dreamed of dragons she is forced to seek out guidance from the exhilarating Isla, last direct descendent of the royal family and companion to a century’s old dragon. Together they must navigate the surprises to come; for beyond the prospect of a new-born dragon Albiyon is about to face a dangerous conspiracy that threatens the peace of their realm.

Flames of Albiyon is a story of friendship, love, and acceptance that celebrates queer identity.

My thoughts:

The Flames of Albiyon sounds like a great fantasy book. It is a recent release with not many ratings. I really like the idea of a character awakening a dragon egg and I want to read and find out what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh this does sound really interesting! I don't often read fantasy books but I may just add this one to my wishlist.
    Saph x
