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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Review: Childish Spirits by Rob Keeley

Book Review: Childish Spirits by Rob Keeley

This book was kindly sent to me to review. However, all opinions are my own and honest. This post also contains affiliate links.

Title: Childish Spirits
Author: Rob Keeley
Genre: Middle Grade Mystery
Buy links: -

This book follows two children who move into an old house and spooky things begin to happen which leads to the children meeting spirits and trying to solve a mystery.

Our two main characters, Ellie and Charlie, or 'Chas' were introduced well from the beginning, with personality and their own individual characteristics which made me more invested in what was going to happen to them.

The build-up and foreshadowing were excellently implemented and it made me keen to read on and find out what exactly was going to happen and what the cause of the strange occurrences was.

I do feel like I would have liked more information about the family's background in the first few chapters so I could see where they had come from and why they had moved to this place.

The sense of foreboding increased chapter by chapter as we found out more about a spirit living in the house. It was quite dark in places, with mentions of child death.

I also found the children's relationship with their dad a bit strange with conversations between them not feeling fully realistic. 

One of the spirits was actually quite creepy and this added to the dark atmosphere of the book. I enjoyed seeing Ellie and Charlie questioning the situation and delving more into the mystery and I wanted to know what had happened.

If you are looking for a quick contemporary mystery with spirits and that also deals with family relationships, I would recommend checking this book out.

My rating: 3/5 stars

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~
Jill Horton- check out her book! -

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