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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Review: Shadowless by Randall McNally

Book Review: Shadowless by Randall McNally

This book was kindly sent to me to review. However, all opinions are my own and honest. This post also contains affiliate links.

Title: Shadowless
Author: Randall McNally
Genre: YA Fantasy

In Shadowless, there are children of deities. These children do not have shadows and become engaged in a battle to survive. We follow different perspectives as we discover this world and the dark motives of the deities.
This book has an amazing premise which I love. It had so many unique plot points which I feel would be great in a video game or even movie franchise. The end of the prologue instantly piqued my interest. There was a lot of description in this book, which was well done and if you like adult fantasy books, I think you would enjoy this read.

This book was really intriguing and well written but I do wish that there had been more of a goal to catapult the action for me personally. 

However, this book felt very reminiscent of some popular adult fantasy books and I believe there is a great audience for this out there who just need to discover this book!

My rating: 3.75/5 stars

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~
Jill Horton- check out her book! -

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